Having a positive candidate experience is crucial to a successful recruitment company, whether large or small. Candidates are the heart and soul of the business and ensuring they receive a certain level of support and communication throughout the process is vital, otherwise you could risk losing them to the competition or a bad experience reflecting negatively on your company.

There are a variety of factors that can contribute to a positive candidate experience. Here are a few examples to help you improve upon yours.

Good Communication

It’s important to maintain regular communication throughout the recruitment process to ensure candidates are kept in the loop at all times and there is a mutual understanding of each step.

Even if the candidate does not quite make it to the final stages of a specific role it’s good to keep in touch, as well as let them know if the role has been filled. This will reflect well on your company and could also in turn help attract more candidates to apply for roles with you.

Another easy way to improve your communication throughout the recruiting process is to personalise it. Rethink automated emails and start including interview confirmation emails into your current practice.


Lack of organisation can negatively affect the candidate experience, so make sure that you aren’t guilty of providing vague job descriptions and include an adequate amount of information in each spec you send out.

Aim to provide as much information detailing the interview process as possible, so candidates are kept up to speed with each stage and can prepare accordingly.

Professional Relationship

Start building professional relationships with candidates to better establish their wants, needs and their previous experience so you can best match them to any open roles you may have.

Candidate Feedback

Request feedback from candidates that you have interviewed. It can be in the form of a simple survey that you can create on websites such as, survey monkey for free.

By receiving feedback around your hiring process it can help you improve in areas you might not be currently excelling at, as well as understand how you are being received by candidates.

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