As a recruitment consultancy one of the biggest challenges can be building strong recruiter-client relationships. Clients are key to any business and it is vital that those connections are well maintained. Here are a few pointers on how to nurture existing and build future client relationships.

Get well acquainted
Re-assess your current client strategy and make on-site visits a priority. This will set you a part from your competition by enabling you the chance to really understand a company’s culture, their recruiting process and what it takes for a candidate to succeed there. By visiting in person you will have a better understanding of the company and be able send highly targeted CV’s, as well as inadvertently build your brand image by showing your clients you care and truly value their custom.

Be there one and only solution
Successful recruiters ensure their clients have no reason to go elsewhere by offering all staffing and recruitment needs under one roof. This is an excellent way to build brand loyalty and guarantee future business.

Be a specialist in your field
As a recruiter it’s useful to understand current employment laws and any additional employment related issues. Employers rely on your ability to provide staffing solutions, your expertise on bringing knew staff on board and making the acquisition process as smooth as possible. To keep up to date or review your present knowledge you can find all the necessary information here

Keep in contact
Following up during a job order is all part of the process. However, it is beneficial to stay in touch even when there isn’t one. Although there is no current requirement for your service there will almost certainly be one in the future. Therefore, you should make an effort to touch base with them every now and again in order to remain relevant and prompt them to think of you first.