Christmas is fast approaching and for most recruiters the welcome thought of an enjoyable long week or two off. Safe in the knowledge that it’s the one time of the year that the “professional world”, for the most part switches off.

However, it goes without saying that this time of year can have a considerable impact on revenue, especially the month of December. Employers tend to postpone start dates until the start of January, as December is less than ideal for many.

How can recruiters make the most of the seasonal period to ensure that their efforts don’t go unnoticed and that January is a sure success?

Plan Ahead

Ask yourself where will your business come from in January?
Pre-plan your calls and visits in advance, so by the time January rolls around your calendar is full. This will automatically give you a competitive advantage by creating a clear plan of action ready for the start of the New Year.

Make Use of the Down Time

An often underappreciated time is the period in between Christmas and the New Year. Employers can be keen to get people on board ready for the start of January. Make sure that you are on top of your game during the decision making process to get all paperwork signed off and returned in time!

Spread the Christmas Spirit

What better time of year to contact your clients? Deliver your Christmas cards and fancy gifts to your top customers. This provides a human element that in today’s market can easily be forgotten and stands you in good stead with your existing clients to secure future roles.

We hope you have a great end to the year – everyone at SourceBreaker